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Plugins - Login Manager
Category: Logging in

Login Manager ("Vlogin") is a plugin for SquirrelMail that:
  • helps manage and manipulate usernames given at login time

  • allows the use of different SquirrelMail settings (such as login page image, or IMAP server) for each domain, each user, or each user group
Vlogin is both useful if you just need to make sure that usernames given on the login page are consistent and/or if you host more than one domain and wish to customize SquirrelMail for each domain but do not want to install and manage a separate SquirrelMail installation for each one.

Vlogin is also meant to help your users: if your user accounts are of the form "[email protected]", it allows users to log in by only typing "jose" in the username field.

Finally, Vlogin is capable of supporting fairly complex systems where the SquirrelMail settings, appearance, access levels, and behaviors are based on username, domain or "service level" (user group).

Despite the plugin name, even single-domain servers may find very useful functionality herein, such as username consistency/simplicity, or per-user settings or "service level" user settings groups, etc.

Some of Vlogin's helpful features include:
  • make sure all usernames given on login page do not have any domain portion in them
  • make sure all usernames given on login page have the SquirrelMail default domain appended to them
  • make sure all usernames given on login page have the domain that corresponds to the domain in the URL of the login page appended to them
  • allow users to log in with just a "user" when in fact their IMAP login might be something like "[email protected]"
  • show a different image on the login page for each of your domains
  • change most any SquirrelMail configuration setting on a per-domain, per-service level, or even per-user basis
  • access a sendmail, postfix or qmail style virtual users table
  • change IMAP servers (or any other settings) on a per-domain, per- service level, or even on a per-user basis
  • enable or disable certain plugins on a per-domain, per-service level or per-user basis
  • disable certain option page items on a per-domain, per-service level or per-user basis
  • dealias Qmail/Vpopmail aliased domains
  • domain name translation
  • access per-domain, per-service level or per-user settings stored in a SQL database
  • much more...

Version 3.10.2
by Paul Lesniewski on Nov 6, 2009
Please support this plugin's development: Donate to this author
[ vlogin-3.10.2-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (13792 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Compatibility plugin version 2.0.14+, PHP 4.0.6+, SquirrelMail 1.2.7+

  • Fixed broken SQL service levels functionality
  • Refined recommended $allVirtualDomainsAreUnderOneHost settings

Older versions

Version 3.10.1
by Paul Lesniewski on Jan 4, 2009
[ vlogin-3.10.1-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (8723 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Compatibility plugin version 2.0.14+, PHP 4.0.6+, SquirrelMail 1.2.7+

  • Added ability to remove full option pages (see disable_option_pages)
  • Fix (and simplify) broken disable_options functionality
  • Remove entire option page groups if all the elements therein have been removed using disable_options functionality
  • Make $smHostIsDomainThatUserLoggedInWith default to 1 so SquirrelMail $domain always matches whatever the user's login domain is
  • Allow $smHostIsDomainThatUserLoggedInWith to work together with $usernameDomainIsHost, at least when not using session-based configuration settings
  • Only use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST if $sq_ignore_http_x_forwarded_headers (in main SquirrelMail configuration) allows it
  • Now requires Compatibility version 2.0.14

Version 3.10
by Paul Lesniewski on Jul 27, 2008
[ vlogin-3.10-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (8352 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Compatibility plugin version 2.0.12+, PHP 4.0.6+, SquirrelMail 1.2.7+

  • Added ability to store configuration files in the main SquirrelMail configuration directory
  • Added ability to access virtual user tables in Berkeley/dbm style database format (Thanks to Ralph Stamm )
  • Added configtest check for Multilogin patch when $useSessionBased is turned on
  • Added configtest check to help debug $allVirtualDomainsAreUnderOneHost
  • Added ability to add domain to the username when using it to set the outgoing email address ($appendDomainToOutgoingEmailAddress)
  • Fixed: configuration not loading on logout_error hook
  • Fixed fatal error in 1.5.2+ when vlogin is enabled before multilogin
  • Fixed problem where some settings not being correctly overridden when $useSessionBased is turned off (remember, $useSessionBased is recommended!)
  • Reorganized documentation
  • Prevent re-parsing of per-user settings file but once per session
  • Redesigned some hook behavior to improve performance
  • Update for 1.5.2 config_override hook name change (prefs_backend)

Version 3.9.2
by Paul Lesniewski on Mar 9, 2007
[ vlogin-3.9.2-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (14319 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Compatibility plugin version 2.0.5+, PHP 4.0.6+, SquirrelMail 1.2.7+

  • Added ability to run a last-minute pattern replacement operation on the username right before it goes to the IMAP server
  • Added configuration test
  • Fixed issue where login page not getting full config overrides

Version 3.9.1
by Paul Lesniewski on Jan 16, 2007
[ vlogin-3.9.1-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (7428 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Compatibility plugin version 2.0.5+, PHP 4.0.6+, SquirrelMail 1.2.7+

  • Setting overrides were not working on signout page, at least after reloading it once or more - fixed.
  • Added ability to turn off ALL plugins in the disable_plugins setting
  • Miscellaneous fixes for 1.5.2 compatibility

Version 3.9.0-1.2.7
by Paul Lesniewski on Oct 17, 2006
[ vlogin-3.9.0-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (8645 d/l) Help ]
Requires: Approximately SquirrelMail version 1.2.7 or above, Approximately PHP version 4.0.6 or above

  • Changed English name to reflect the more generic applications available herein.
  • Adapted to 1.5.2 config override hook; if running 1.5.2 or greater, $useSessionBased is highly recommended and no longer requires any source patching
  • Added functionality for better, easier interaction with other plugins that need to load AFTER vlogin does (plugin authors, see README file).
  • Added $rawLoginIsOutgoingEmailAddress for using raw login username as outgoing email address (careful!!).
  • Raw login username is saved in user session for access by anyone who needs it as "vlogin_original_username".
  • Added $always_prepend and $always_append settings
  • Added ability to derive IMAP and/or SMTP server addresses from the user's domain name (see $IMAPServerRules and $SMTPServerRules)
  • Better configuration file protection; note that sample configuration file names have changed
  • Added "meta-configuration" to help admins who only need a subset of Vlogin functionality and don't want to have to understand the entire configuration system.
  • Added "Quick Start" section to README file

Version 3.8.0-1.2.7
by Paul Lesniewski on Nov 16, 2005
[ vlogin-3.8.0-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (13257 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish), Compatibility plugin

  • Added SQL backend for per-user, per-doamin or per-service level settings.
  • Changed $allVirtualDomainsAreUnderOneHost to more flexible user-definable regexp.
  • Added $default_org_logo setting
  • Fallback to "typical" configuration settings if config.php is not found
v3.7.0 (Never released)
  • Added service level functionality.
  • $debug changed to $vlogin_debug
  • Refactored per user functionality.
  • Fixed: use URI parsing when $useDomainFromVirtDomainsArray is on but domain not defined for domain being logged into.
  • Update for changes in Multilogin plugin (v2.3.2). If you are using $useSessionBased = 1, you MUST update your Multilogin plugin as well.
  • Minor code cleanup
  • Added "settingsWithEmbeddedPHP" setting for $virtualDomains array that allows any configuration setting's value to contain embedded PHP code. If your configuration file previously contained the org_title setting overrides, you MUST add this as described in the docs!
  • Changed $allVirtualDomainsAreUnderOneSSLHost to $allVirtualDomainsAreUnderOneHost; if you use this setting, make sure to update your config file!
  • Compatibility plugin is no longer required
v3.6.1 (Never released)
  • Added $usernameDomainIsHost
  • Added $stripDomainFromUserSubstitution
  • Fixed broken sendmail-style virtual user table functionality

Version 3.6
by Paul Lesniewski on Feb 8, 2005
[ vlogin-3.6-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (13253 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish), Compatibility plugin

  • Added $usernameReplacements to allow more powerful manipulation of usernames (users can now, for instance, log in with their real name, such as "Paul Lesneiwski", which could be remapped to "[email protected]")
  • Added $forceLowercase
  • Added $useDomainFromVirtDomainsArray (this is somewhat significant)
  • Added $securePort
  • Sendmail-style virtual user table functionality now supports %1 variable replacement, where %1 in the mapped value (left) will be replaced with what the user gave before the @ sign (Thanks to Pablo Giancarelli [pablo dot giancarelli at bircherasociados dot com dot ar])
  • Fixed disable_options functionality when $useSessionBased is turned off ($useSessionBased is recommeded, however)
  • Tuned config override so that the $virtualDomains array or the multilogin plugin can override vlogin's own config settings and also so that multilogin and vlogin can work together better)
  • Updated to work with new version of Login Alias plugin; if using Login Alias with this plugin, make sure you get at least version 2.4 of Login Alias, which was released at the same time as version 3.6 of this plugin

Version 3.5
by Paul Lesniewski on Sep 23, 2004
[ vlogin-3.5-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (10077 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish), Compatibility plugin

  • Added ability to disable options on Display Preferences, Personal Information, and Folder Preferences screens.
  • Added username replacement option for $virtualDomainDataDir as well as any of the values in the virtual domains array

Version 3.4
by Paul Lesniewski on Aug 2, 2004
[ vlogin-3.4-1.2.7.tar.gz tarball (8246 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish), Compatibility plugin

  • Enabling/Disabling plugins now works on a per-user basis
  • Now properly ignores port number in host URL (if any)
  • Gets host name from the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST server variable, if available, in order to facilitate using SquirrelMail in environments behind proxy servers that may rewrite the HTTP_HOST variable (Thanks to Jared Rhine [jared at wordzoo.com])
  • Allow host name to be appended to username unconditionally
  • Implemented reverse dot section order functionality and added ability to replace or remove characters in host name (Thanks to Mark van Cuijk [mark at phedny.net])
  • Added ability to separate domain settings in one file per domain (Thanks to Andy Brook [ducky0 at gmail.com])

Version 3.3
by Paul Lesniewski on Feb 6, 2004
[ vlogin-3.3.tar.gz tarball (11139 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish), Compatibility plugin

  • Added abilty to strip domain information from usernames when users log in with full email addresses. The domain parsed from the URL may or may not be added back on. You can use this to force users to log in under the domain used to get to the login page.
  • Fixed replacement pattern for $checkByExcludeList (Thanks to Tarragon Allen [tarragon at onthe.net.au])
  • Fixed problem including virtual domain name in $data_dir in the virtual domains array.
  • Removed lockout functionality; there is a separate Lockout plugin for that now

Version 3.2
by Paul Lesniewski on Jul 5, 2003
[ vlogin-3.2.tar.gz tarball (11140 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish), Compatibility plugin

  • Added *global* virtual domain capability (Thanks to Jeff Hedlund [jhedlund at matrixsi.com])
  • Added ability to use the virtual domain's name in any of the domain's variables (Thanks to Jeff Hedlund [jhedlund at matrixsi.com])
  • Added $atConversion functionality (see README) (Thanks to Tom Collins [tom at installco.com])
  • Fix for minor $notPartOfDomainName bug that matched (for instance) "webmail" with "mail"
  • Fix for when the domain name is part of your usernames and you are using login_alias, such that someone in "domain_1.com" can use an alias such as "jose" and no longer lock out "jose@domain_2.com"
  • Changed to dynamic global variables (was explicitly specified) so most any SquirrelMail setting should be automatically available if it wasn't already
  • New (optional) session-based functionality allows for better performance
  • Added ability to lock out an entire domain (disallow any logins) or a specific list of users
  • Note that configuration and data file locations have changed to the vlogin/data directory

Version 3.1
by Paul Lesniewski on Apr 23, 2003
[ vlogin-3.1.tar.gz tarball (8582 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish), Compatibility plugin

  • (When using sendmail-style virtual user table functionality) Removes extraneous pieces of virtual user catchall mappings (in the form "@domain catchallmapping+%1", removes everything including and after the plus sign). (Thanks to Neil Darlow [neil at darlow.co.uk])
  • Added wildcard functionality to the per-user settings file
  • Added functionality that allows the activation or deactivation of specific plugins on a per-domain basis (experimental; may not work with all plugins).
  • Updated session_recall patches for SquirrelMail versions 1.2.11 and v1.4
  • Added ability to remap host names for those whose web URL is different than their email server's MX record (Thanks to Ville Walveranta [vwal at astronfortis.com])
  • Added ability to unalias Qmail/Vpopmail aliased domains so users using aliased domains don't accidentally create multiple preferences files (Thanks to Lelio della Pietra [gandalf at writeme.tk]).
  • Updated for compliance with new plugin version reporting API

Version 3.0
by Paul Lesniewski on Mar 6, 2003
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish), Compatibility plugin

  • Updated to work with SquirrelMail v1.4
  • New setup.php format for better overall SquirrelMail performance
  • Makes use of optional session_recall hook to help those of you who can't get vlogin to do dynamic IMAP server settings otherwise

Version 2.6
by Paul Lesniewski on Feb 5, 2003
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish)

Description: Next up: 1.4.x compatibility. Stay tuned. For now, we're just making everyone play better together:
  • Minor update for compatibility with the newest version of the password_forget plugin.
  • Minor update for compatibility with the newest version of the login_alias plugin.

Version 2.5
by Paul Lesniewski on Jan 7, 2003
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish)

  • Revised README and config files (includes new "typical" config file)
  • Added sendmail style username remapping functionality.
  • Added ability to change settings on a per-user basis.
  • Added capability to parse out the virtual domain name from URLs in the form of http://one.main.domain/virtual.domain/webmail
  • Usernames can optionally be built with the domain in front, such as "domain-username", etc.
  • Changed behavior of $numberOfDotSections to be based on the new $removeFromFront setting.
  • Added $chopOffDotSectionsFromLeft and $chopOffDotSectionsFromRight and associated functionality.
  • Changed $checkByExcludeList behavior to take out undesirables no matter where they are in the host name.
  • Updated for compatibility with Plugin Updates plugin
  • Fixed php version checking so it works in all locales.
  • Added debug functionality.
  • Removed all E_NOTICE warnings

Version 2.4
by Paul Lesniewski on Oct 8, 2002
[ vlogin-2.4.tar.gz tarball (9077 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.7 (ish), PHP 4.0.6 (ish)

Description: Largely thanks to tons of help from Grant Stern [grantstern at mac.com], there are several new options for those of you who need the different login image or data directory or domain on outgoing emails (etc.) but don't need the hostname appended to the actual login name.

Version 2.3
by Paul Lesniewski on Sep 20, 2002
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: PHP 4.1, SquirrelMail 1.2.7

  • Extensive per-domain configuration is now available, including setting different login images, seting different IMAP servers, etc.
  • It is possible to use the plugin to present different login images (or change any other settings per-domain) without the username re-mapping.
  • Added support for register_globals = Off (Chris Hilts)
  • Fixed minor bug where sizeof was being used instead of strlen

Version 2.1
by Ryan Orth on Aug 16, 2002
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: 1.2.X

Description: pdontthink at angrynerds.com finally did what I never got around to doing (necessity is the mother of invention). Vlogin 2.1 is now highly configureable to support a much wider range of setups in multiple domain situations including auto-stripping of 'www' and 'mail' if necessary. Also added variable config for domain separator '@' and '.'

Version 1.0
by Ryan Orth on Jun 22, 2001
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.0.0 or so.

Description: Inital release.

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