This plugin version contains bugfixes for misconfigured $attachment_dir, locking of uploads on Windows OSes and support of PHP 5.2+ upload error
Release adds one more translatable message.
There are no site configuration changes. Plugin uses same configuration variables as 1.0 release and is backwards compatible with v.0.9 site configuration files.
Version 1.0
by Tomas Kuliavas on Jul 29, 2006
[ abook_import_export-1.0-1.4.4.tar.gz tarball (16217 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.4 or newer
- Fixed translation of address book backend name.
- Added input character set and delimiter selection options. Minimal SquirrelMail version increased to 1.4.4. Older versions don't support required character set conversion functions.
- Reduced minimal data requirements to two fields.
- Check if file uploads are enabled before creating address book import form.
- Added php 4.2+ upload error processing.
- Uploaded address books are moved to attachment directory before processing. Fixes issues with open_basedir limits.
- Added bind_textdomain_codeset support.
- Address book backend selection is limited to backends that allow writing (for import) and listing (for export).
- Added backend selection to export form.
- Export form sends file headers with standard SquirrelMail SendDownloadHeaders() function.
- Added string delimiter option to exported data.
- Started using own functions for error messages.
- Added SquirrelMail 1.5.2+ init support.
- Disabled comment sections that were broken in html standards compliance rendering mode.
- Added header to csv export.
- Reduced number of writes to session. Session data is accessed with standard SquirrelMail sqsession_* and sqGetGlobalVar functions.
- Added failsafe dgettext() function for setups that don't support it.
- Address book object is checked for errors after addressbook_init().
- Address book export uses text/comma-separated-values MIME type instead of application/CSV.
- Fixed detection of LDIF import.
- Removed empty columns from the end of imported CSV array.
- Fixed notice about missing label field in some csv imports.
Version 0.9
by Tomas Kuliavas on Mar 27, 2005
[ abook_import_export-0.9-1.4.0.tar.gz tarball (20748 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.0 or newer
Description: This plugin release should close some pending bugs and add correct internationalization support. Please check todo section in changelog before filing bug reports about known issues.
- Removed import size limit from import form and made it configurable. v.0.8 changelog contains incorrect information and size limit is still present in v.0.8 import form.
- Code cleanup.
- Use 'aie_' prefix in function names.
- Internationalization fixes. Use abook_import_export gettext domain and convert strings to gettext.
- Added site configuration options. See INSTALL
- Fixed php errors for csv with small number of fields.
- Added visible column numbers to imported data in order to identify failed imports.
- Retrieve user agent string with sqGetGlobalVar from server vars instead of $_ENV.
- Moved import button to bottom of the page in order to load entire form before displaying it.
- Use sqGetGlobalVar() to check $_POST vars in scripts.
Version 0.8
by Christian Sauer on Mar 1, 2004
[ abook_import_export-0.8-1.4.0.tar.gz tarball (19845 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail >= 1.4.0
Description: 0.8: Fixed import to remove 5k import limit. Added ability to select
different addressbook backends.
Version 0.7
by Christian Sauer on May 15, 2003
[ abook_import_export-0.7-1.4.0.tar.gz tarball (16403 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail >= 1.4.0
Description: updated to be compatible with new plugin scheme.
CSV import is also "MS Outlook-friendly"
Version 0.6
by Dustin Anders on Aug 15, 2002
[ abook_import_export.0.6-1.0.0.tar.gz tarball (14828 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 0.5 or above
Description: Fixes export CSV feature.
Version 0.5
by Lewis Bergman on Oct 26, 2000
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 0.5 or above
Description: Applied some patches that fix bugs, and also changes to the output to commas rather than pipes to be true CSV format.
Version 0.4
by Lewis Bergman on Aug 21, 2000
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 0.5 or above
Description: Fixed directory structure problems, fixed table header problems when importing less than 5 fields, added standard page headers, added README.
Version 0.3
by Lewis Bergman on Aug 9, 2000
[ This version is not available. You might be able to get it by asking on the "squirrelmail-plugins" mailing list or by contacting the author. ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 0.5 or above
Description: Changed name, added exporting capabilities, fixed bugs, made it look nicer.