Screen shots
Junk Email Filter
Plugins - Bypass Trash
Category: Message & Folder Manipulation
This plugin provides configurable means to allow users to quickly purge one or more messages without moving them to the trash first. A button (typically labeled "Wipe") can be shown on the message list screen for any folder (configurable by the administrator and/or the users), as can a "Wipe" link on the message view screen. For SquirrelMail versions 1.4.x, a "bypass trash" checkbox can also be displayed, which modifies the "Delete" button as such (this is natively supported in versions 1.5.x).
If the administrator allows user configuration of where these items are displayed, the user can navigate to the "Folders" link from the main SquirrelMail navigation to configure this plugin as needed.
Version 1.0
by Paul Lesniewski on Apr 25, 2009
Please support this plugin's development: Donate to this author
[ bypass_trash-1.0-1.4.11.tar.gz tarball (5765 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.4.11+
Description: Initial release
Older versions
No older versions.
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- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Link As"
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- Right-click on the file, then select "Save Link Document As"
- Lynx and Links
- Press "d" on the link to download the file directly.
- Untarring problems: Your browser might have un-gzipped it for you
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"tar xvfz". Also, the plugins archive isn't gzipped
(it is a tarball of .tar.gz files)
- Macintosh users: Just hold down your mouse button to get the menu
instead of right-clicking.
- If all else fails, seek our help