

Default SquirrelMail translate plugin configuration

boolean $disable_compose_translate (line 95)

Translation in compose controls

Currently unimplemened and disabled

boolean $translate_babelfish_enabled (line 24)

Babelfish translation engine controls

bool $translate_custom_enabled (line 109)

Controls inclusion of custom translation engine.

If you enable custom translation engines, you must include translate_form_custom(), translate_custom_showtrad() and $translate_custom_showoption() functions in your config.

string $translate_default_engine (line 17)

Default translation engine

boolean $translate_dictionary_enabled (line 40)

Dictionary.com translation engine controls

boolean $translate_google_enabled (line 47)

Google translation engine controls

boolean $translate_go_enabled (line 33)

Go.com translation engine controls

Translation is no longer available

boolean $translate_gpltrans_enabled (line 75)

Gpltrans translation engine controls

string $translate_gpltrans_url (line 86)

Sets URL to custom GPLTrans server CGI.

Original URL (http://www.translator.cx/cgi-bin/gplTrans) is no longer valid. If string is empty, GPLTrans is disabled regardless of $translate_gpltrans_enabled setting.

boolean $translate_intertran_enabled (line 54)

Intertran translation engine controls

boolean $translate_otenet_enabled (line 68)

Otenet translation engine controls

boolean $translate_promt_enabled (line 61)

Promt translation engine controls

Documentation generated on Mon, 13 Jan 2020 04:22:11 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3