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Junk Email Filter

Security Notice
Phishing campain
Version 1.4.15
Security Upgrade
Plugins - smrestrict
Category: Logging in

When using a database for user preferences, this plugin will restrict allowed usernames to those listed in the database. If the userprefs database contains a record for user='allowed_username', prefkey='squirrelmail_login_enabled', prefval='Y' the user will be granted access. This is useful if you want to control access to Squirrelmail on a per-user basis. The system uses PearDB and the Squirrelmail DSN setting, so there is no configuration required- If Squirrelmail works with your database, smrestrict works with your database, too. Questions can be directed to bentz[at]bentz[dot]no[dash]ip[dot]com

Version 0.10
by Ben Lentz on Jun 30, 2003
[ smrestrict.0.10-1.2.11.tar.gz tarball (7155 d/l) Help ]
Requires: SquirrelMail 1.2.11

Description: First version.

Older versions

No older versions.

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  • Untarring problems: Your browser might have un-gzipped it for you automatically. Try just "tar xvf" instead of "tar xvfz". Also, the plugins archive isn't gzipped (it is a tarball of .tar.gz files)
  • Macintosh users: Just hold down your mouse button to get the menu instead of right-clicking.
  • If all else fails, seek our help
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